Our News

What was the best meal this week?:

In Logroño, the most common type of food is called a pincho. This is any small portion of food on top of, or with a slice of bread. My favorite pincho is mushrooms fried in garlic oil with a little shrimp on top. So good!

What music did I listen to this week?:

In Logroño, the most popular type of music is called reggaeton.  This is similar to pop music in the United States. It has a very upbeat tempo and is easy to dance to! All of the lyrics are typically in Spanish. "Despacito" is a famous reggaeton song and Justin Bieber made it even more famous!

What activity was the most fun this week?:

The week before our winter break, my students put on a holiday show for their parents. Each grade level in the school (Pre-K through 6th grade), performed a dance for their families. I helped to choreograph the dances for 2nd grade and also 4th grade. It was super fun!

What did I read this week?:

I haven't officially read it yet, but I purchased a book in Spanish. Michelle Obama wrote a book called "Becoming" and it came out this past fall. I bought it for myself to read, but in Spanish it is called "Mi Historia" (My Story). I am excited to get started reading it.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

This week, I played Bananagrams. Bananagrams is a game with lots of tiles that have letters on them. You usually start with 16 tiles and you have to make words connect, similar to a crossword puzzle. Then you keep collecting tiles from the middle until there are no more left! The winner is the person who uses up all of their tiles first.
