Hola! Hello! My name is Rachel Birkley and I am currently living in Logroño, Spain. I am so excited to work with you, your classmates and your teachers for the next several weeks. I am 23 years old and I grew up in a small suburb outside of Chicago, Illinois. I graduated from North Central College this past June and I studied elementary education and Spanish. During my last year, I was able to study abroad for a semester in Seville, Spain. I practiced my Spanish as much as I could, even though I made lots of mistakes. I am teaching English to students who are in 2nd through 6th grades. I love my school, all of my students and the wonderful teachers in our building. They are all so welcoming!
Ever since I was little, my parents always told my brother and me that traveling was the best way to learn and that the world is our classroom. Because of this, traveling is my favorite thing to do. I have visited 43 of the 50 U.S. states and 16 different countries. I have learned a lot by visiting different places and experiencing new cultures. I arrived in Spain this past September and I will be here until next June! Every day I am learning new things and I hope you love learning about the Spanish culture and way of life as much as I do!