It seems bizarre to be leaving at a time when I feel the most comfortable.
When I first arrived in Morocco, I could barely imagine myself living here, and there were so many aspects of daily life that I just could not figure out. For example, it took me weeks to buy eggs. How do you (or your parents) buy eggs at the grocery store? Usually in a carton, right? You can easily buy half a dozen or a dozen in the US, but in Morocco the eggs in the stores on my street were unrefridgerated and set out in huge cartons all stacked on top of one another. One day, I just stood staring at the stacks for a long time and a kind woman came over and handed me a small paper bag, showed me how to pick the eggs I wanted, and put them in the bag. I went home feeling insanely proud. I finally had eggs!
When living abroad, little things can seem so difficult, but little accomplishments can also feel huge. Things as small as successfully buying eggs at the grocery, the first time I didn't have to repeat myself in a taxi when saying where I wanted to go, and being able to order at a restaurant without a menu, all showed me that everything was falling into place.
Now I feel at home here. It doesn't cause me anxiety to take a grand-taxi anymore, because I know the routes.