Hola (Hello)! My name is Reed Margolis. I am 25 years old and originally from Raleigh, North Carolina. However, for the last year, I've been serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guaranda, Ecuador. The Peace Corps is a governmental organization that offers humanitarian assistance to countries all over the world! I'm working as a university professor in the Peace Corps' education sector, but there are five other sectors you could work in (agriculture, environment, community economic development, health, and youth development).
It's been the pleasure of a lifetime to teach English to eager university students here in Guaranda. But, beyond the work that I'm doing in the classroom, my time in Ecuador has allowed me the opportunity to increase my Spanish fluency, travel around the region, and meet many wonderful people along the way. I enjoy traveling because it allows me to see how other people live and learn from their perspectives of the world. My time in Ecuador has not only been academically and professionally uplifting, but also spiritually and and emotionally profound. I'm very eager to meet all of you and share my experiences. I hope that my stories will inspire you to search for truth and follow your dreams.