Ciao (friendly Hello)! My name is Ricco Venterea, and I'm from Minnesota. I'm 23 years old and recently graduated from Cornell University, where I studied astrophysics. I have had a variety of experiences in multiple areas of astronomy and physics research, from asteroids in our solar system to supersymmetry. My enthusiasm for conducting research led me to apply and receive a U.S. Fulbright Research Award to work in Italy, where I am now. I'm doing particle physics research to increase data accessibility for the physics community by building a website that contains cosmic ray data.
Cosmic rays are extremely energetic particles that can come from outside the solar system (some are also generated from the sun). The group I'm working in has developed models to predict cosmic ray dosage rates for astronauts and electronics equipment. Since these particles are extremely energetic, they can pose threats to astronauts in space and damage communications technology on spacecraft. The website I'm building will also incorporate these rates to help protect astronaut health. I am excited to share my research and personal experiences abroad with you all!
Want to learn how you could be a Fulbright Scholar like me? The Fulbright Program is the United States government's flagship international exchange program. Fulbrighters foster mutual understanding between the United States and partner nations, share knowledge across communities, and improve lives around the world. Learn more by clicking here!