When I went to visit my friend in Pamplona, Navarra, she taught me all about the history and traditions of this small region in the northern part of Spain. Of all the things I learned, from the famous pinchos (snacks) to the historical buildings, the one that caught my attention the most was the tradition of the "Running of the Bulls" during the Fiestas of San Fermín (Festival of San Fermin). This one week celebration taking place every July and includes parades, sports events and fireworks. But San Fermin is mostly known for the bull runs.
The Running of the Bulls is a free event where you run in front of six fighting bulls through an 875 meter course in the narrow streets of Pamplona. The event takes place each morning of the festival at 8 o'clock, and usually takes two to three minutes.
If you don't want to take the risk of running, you can still enjoy the event as a spectator! You can choose to be a runner or just stay on the sideline or balconies and watch. If you don't want to get out of bed that early in the morning, you can even watch it from your T.V!