Our News

Did you know that American-style jazz is very popular in Japan? They have even adapted (that means "changed") jazz to sound slightly different than the jazz we are used to. 

What activity was the most fun this week?:

Getting to walk outside in the Shenzhen sunshine made me feel very happy. 

What did I read this week?:

This week I read a lot of books in Chinese on how the law works here. It was very difficult! 

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I did not have the time to participate, but I did see some Chinese people playing badmitten, which is a game that originally comes from Europe. People use rackets to smack a little "birdie" over a net. It kind of looks like tennis mixed with volleyball. 

Other news from this week:

I got lost on the subway, but ended up discovering new neighborhoods that I had never seen before! Sometimes, getting lost is good. 
