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The class is supposed to show how novels and narrative writing can be a form of anthropology too, which I can absolutely see as Adichie has a way of vividly describing her culture and life around her. For instance, there's one part where she paints the scene for what it's like getting your hair braided in Nigeria v.s. getting it braided in the U.S, which really resembles an anthropological cultural comparison.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I have a friend who’s OBSESSED with playing cards. She knows pretty much every card game known to man and has memorized all of the rules too. When we went to Italy, we were probably playing cards two to three times a day, to the point where we even played cards on the airport floor as we waited for our plane to board. The next day, after our Thanksgiving dinner, we got together to have a little game night, which mostly consisted of playing cards. We played a really fun game called "Palace."

Other news from this week:

Lockdown is officially continuing until December 12th and my study abroad program is allowing students to leave a few days early if they wanted to. Everyone is starting to get homesick, me included. I am so ready to go back home, but I am going to wait it out until I actually have to leave on December 18th. 
