Take a Ride on the Dublin Bus

All different kinds of people take the Dublin Bus. Tourists hop on and off, travelers take the Airlink bus to the airport, adults head to and from work and kids in school uniforms get on the bus in big, backpacked groups. When lots of people are waiting at bus stops, they often clog up the entire sidewalk, so it gets hard to walk around them. 

To take the bus, you can pay with a Leap card. A Leap card is like a Metro card, which you can fill with money to pay for public transportation. Leap cards are very convenient, because you can add money to the card at many corner stores around the city. Just tap your Leap card on the scanner at the front of the bus, and you're all set to ride!

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

I really like taking the Dublin Bus. While I usually walk to school, I have to take the Airlink 747 line of the bus to get to and from the airport. All the buses are double-decker, so they have a downstairs and an upstairs. I always tuck my suitcase in the luggage rack downstairs, then climb the narrow stairway to get to the top level. From upstairs, I can see 360 degree views of Dublin. Commuting feels like sightseeing when you have such great views!

Unfortunately, sitting on the top level sometimes makes me carsick. Usually I only get sick if I try to read on the bus, but being up high makes it worse. I think it's worth it to sit on the top level, though. That way I can see the city and soak in the sun (if it's a rare sunny day) before arriving at my destination.

Sometimes the buses are late, but only by a few minutes. In general, the Dublin Bus is an easy, reliable way to get around Dublin. Plus, it feels good to travel like a local.
