Hi there! My name is Sarah Alpert, and I write to you from Dublin, Ireland. I am here to study English literature at Trinity College, which was founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I. That makes Trinity a lot older than the United States, and certainly older than your own school.
Trinity College has two things in common with my home university, Dartmouth College. First, both schools call themselves "colleges," but they're actually universities, meaning they have both undergraduate and graduate students. That makes for a busy campus! And second, both schools have beautiful libraries--perfect for a bookworm like me. For my classes at Trinity, I'll be reading famous Irish authors like James Joyce and Oscar Wilde. I also hope to visit the Book of Kells, Ireland's national treasure, which is stored in Trinity's library.
My trip to Ireland will be my first time living abroad for more than a few weeks. I have spent most of my life in beautiful New England, in my hometown near Boston. While in Ireland, I plan to continue doing the things I love to do at home--running, reading, taking photographs, and eating lots of delicious foods--but I also can't wait to try new things. I hope you're ready to explore with me!