This is more of a "See you later" than a "Goodbye," really. I've had a great time showing you all the beauty that is northern Spain and having you follow me as I travel around this special part of the world. I've come to really love the north of Spain, and cannot begin to imagine being anywhere else for the rest of my time here in Spain. I've loved how warm and friendly the people have been with me from the start, and the rich food is something that I've come to obsess over as time goes on.
I tried to take as many photos as possible for all of you, so that you could see some of the amazing things that I've been seeing. When I'm not planning my next article for you, though, I've been trying to stay more in tune with my surroundings and spend less time on my phone taking photos. I had to remind myself at times to snap a few for you all so that you could experience some of these moments.
I am forever grateful to the Fulbright program for choosing me to come and teach in Spain, and for helping me grow as an educator both here in Spain and (virtually) with you all, as well. I cannot imagine my time here any differently, and I wouldn't change it for the world.