We speak Chinese at school. Hello in Chinese is ni hao (pronounced nee how).
Chen is a common last name for students at our school. It is not very common to have the same first name. Parents think of unique names for their children that relate to their birthday, birth year or traits they want them to have.
Peggy: We study Chinese, English, P.E., science, math, social studies and art. My favorite class is English!
Howard: My favorite class is Chinese.
We have about 30 minutes of homework every day. We have math, English and Chinese homework.
Peggy: I l ike to rollerblade and go running after school.
Howard: I like to play Roblox after school.
Peggy: My favorite famous person is Jisoo from the Kpop group BlackPink.
Howard: I don't have a favorite famous person.
Peggy: I like to listen to Kpop, especially BlackPink.
Howard: I like intense music. My favorite artist is Jam Hsiao.