The Big Goodbye

Another type of chemical data called carbon isotopes can tell us how active the sea surface was as well as where the water mass came from (for example, from near Antarctica or from the north Atlantic Ocean). Another type of chemical data (called oxygen isotopes) can us how much ice was on the Antarctic continent! I know it sounds incredible that the chemistry from a tiny shell from the bottom of the ocean can tell us about ice in Antarctica, but it is 100% true.

My goal is to have a better understanding of ocean circulation, water temperature changes and Antarctic ice volume when atmospheric carbon dioxide was higher than today, so we can make better predictions about our future. That’s why I say that my students and I will be “looking back to our future”.

Thank you for joining me, Tessa, and the entire “Scientific Drilling in the South Atlantic Ocean” expedition team for this adventure. I hope this virtual exchange experience has inspired you to be more curious about our oceans and the important work that scientists are doing to better understand our planet. I hope to see you future scientists aboard JOIDES Resolution someday soon… we will be Earth detectives together!
