Bonjour! Je m'appelle Sophia! Hello, my name is Sophia! I am from a small town in Virginia, but I left to attend Loyola University in Baltimore, Maryland to study French and public relations. At Loyola, I enjoy hanging out with my friends at Starbucks, planning programs for my residents, dancing with the Irish Dance team, trying out new restaurants, and taking trips to see the Capitals play ice hockey in Washington, D.C.
This semester I will be leaving my friends and family to study abroad in Montpellier, France at L'Universite de Paul-Valery Montpellier. Montpellier is a university city in the south of France which is just a short tram ride away from the beach. At the university I will be taking all my courses in French, so I'm really looking foward to not only being integrated into the city culture, but the student culture as well.
I'm excited to share my journey with you and I cannot wait to see what this semester will bring us!