Many people also like to ride bikes around town, but most of the time during the day, it is too hot to do even that!
If you are traveling farther distances in the city, or looking to explore outside of Chetumal, taxis are available, but people mostly take buses or a third option, which is a mix between the two, called a combi. A combi is about the size of a van, fits 12 to 15 people, and is a cheap way to travel around the city and state. Combis can get a little cramped and sweaty when a lot of people try to get share a ride, but in general, they are a great way to get to know other travelers. The bus system is also very nice and can take you longer distances to different cities and states, as far as you can dream! Well, maybe not that far, but if you wanted, you could take a bus from Chetumal all the way to México City… and it would take 23.5 hours!
Coming from the city of Chicago, I am used to taking taxis around, so I love being able to chat with the drivers here in Chetumal and often share rides with others in the city. The only hard part is that I am also very used to walking and biking, two things that are possible here but that also make you very sweaty. Chetumal is also a fairly new, fairly small city and does not have public transportation like you and I might at home with the metro and the EL, but México City has a great transportation system, also called the metro!
The larger bus systems are very comfortable, with nice air conditioning and reclining chairs, and although the combis can get pretty cramped, they are also really fun to use to travel around. Driving around in México can also feel somewhat like a fun video game.