One of the best parts about living in Spain is the amazing public transportation. Back at home, I have to use a car to get to and from places. Driving a car is expensive and bad for the environment. Luckily, here in Spain, I can rely on the metros, trains and buses to get around in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.
There are four main modes of transportation in Madrid: walking, metroing, training and busing. The other ways to get around are to take a taxi or an uber, ride a bike, drive a car or motorcycle or hop on a plane (if you're flying to another part of Spain/out of the country). Since I walk a lot and I use the metro and trains everyday, I want to tell you all more about those modes of transportation.
No matter where you want to travel in Madrid, I can guarantee you that there will almost always be a way to get there using public transportation. Madrid has a safe, clean, and efficient public transportation system. The metro, which is an underground railway system, has 13 different lines which travel between 300 different metro stations. Each line has its own color, which makes travel really easy to navigate.