Meet a Bat Named Sean!

In Denmark, there is a law that you are not allowed to move or disturb a bat, no matter what. There are even stories that because of this law, some people have had to move out of their houses because so many bats moved in!

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Bats use natural things around them like trees to provide a place to sleep and have babies in. They also eat the bugs found around the trees for food. In the winter, the bats hibernate, which means they get very fat and go to sleep for the whole winter. It is too cold for them to be awake, so they have to sleep.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Birds such as eagles and hawks eat some bats, but the type of bat which is at the lab is called the common pipistrelle (the scientific name is Pipistrellus pipistrellus... what a crazy name!) is not endangered and it has a healthy population. Some bats in the U.S. suffer from a disease called white nose syndrome which causes a white fungus to grow over their nose and mouth and causes them to wake up early from hibernation, which is very bad for them.

Aarhus Denmark
