Interestingly, on the Sunday my friend and I went back to our sites, the city was hosting a car-free day, which meant that several streets were closed to allow people to enjoy the space of the streets to exercise, eat food, and enjoy time being outside. This happens every week, and I like the idea of taking a break from all the gasoline and diesel.
Inside of Gelora Bung Karno Stadium Park, I went with my friends to visit a food festival that was hosted by the very popular ride-sharing platform called "Go-Jek". It was essentially a super hip and modern outside food court, where vendors from popular warungs, or food stalls, get the chance to showcase and sell their street food to more customers. Inside the festival, there was zumba being hosted with plenty of people in colorful fitness clothes following along, booths where one could load e-credit with which to buy food, and plenty of sitting areas with soft lighting that encouraged you to snap a quick selfie. Imagine going to a food festival sponsored by Lyft or Uber, but it was also a place where you could find your neighbor behind a stall serving some of the very same foods you buy from him back on your neighorhood block. It was a great way to build community!
Jakarta is a frequently visited destination for many young people because of its famed mall. The malls in this city contain just about anything you can imagine, and they often have the same excitement and energy you'd find at an amusement park or palace. In fact, you can actually often find real amusement parks (with roller coasters, carnival games, and playgrounds) on the third of fourth floor of a mall here.