Hallo! Hello!
My name is Victoria, I’m 22 years old and I’m from Brooklyn, NY. This year I’m living and working in Berlin, Germany’s capital. Back when I was in high school, physics became my favorite class and the planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) became my favorite place. After I started studying physics at Hunter College in Manhattan, I met physicists at AMNH who study outer space for a living. I started working with them, researching stars and far-away planets. Through my work with the scientists in New York City, I found out that astronomers from all over the world know each other! Since astronomers all study the same universe, it makes sense to work together. As I was finishing college, I applied for a U.S. Fulbright Research Grant to work in Germany. I knew that I could meet people who study space like I do, while also learning about all the ways that our countries and our cultures are unique.
I’m so excited to share my adventures here with all of you, and I’m looking forward to hearing about you, your favorite subjects and the places that you want to travel to when you get older!