Currently, AySA is struggling to keep up with the provision of clean drinking water due to the speed of urbanization in Buenos Aires. Urbanization is a word used to describe when more people move from living in the countryside to living in big cities.
We all know that water is essential for life, which makes understanding how people obtain clean water very important! The communities in the “villas” exhibit resilience and resourcefulness. Despite lacking formal pipelines, residents employ innovative solutions. For instance, they collect rainwater in large containers, coordinate efforts to have water brought to the neighborhood via trucks and advocate government officials for more permanent solutions.
I also want to emphasize the importance of education as it relates to water. AySA has its own library where it regularly teaches children about the value of water, how to use it wisely and why it's crucial to keep rivers and lakes clean. Water is a scarce resource, and by learning more about how other people obtain water differently than in the U.S., we can understand the significance of this life-sustaining resource.
En Buenos Aires, Argentina, la gestión del agua y el saneamiento es un desafío activo que enfrenta la ciudad a la luz de un área metropolitana en crecimiento. La organización encargada de proveer agua potable es Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos o AySA. AySA es una empresa de propiedad pública, lo que significa que es operada por el gobierno. La sede de AySA está ubicada en el centro de Buenos Aires dentro del Palacio de Aguas Corrientes--un edificio grande y ornamentado diseñado para parecerse a una lujosa mansión en medio de uno de los barrios más ricos de Buenos Aires.