Aix is a smaller city so getting around here is relatively easy! The most important thing is to remember to bring shoes that are comfortable to walk in and to pay attention to the bus schedules and routes.
The people in Aix get around in a few different ways, usually depending on their jobs. My host mom is a private nurse, which means she travels to people's houses to give them care. So, for her job she needs a car to get around. I'm a student and I only have to travel into the city and back home, so I usually walk where I need to go or I can take the bus. Most people that work in city take the bus or walk where they need to.
My first day trying to use the bus system here was a little difficult. Back at my school in Denver, I take the bus all the time to get around. Here in Aix, it is a little more difficult because I am unfamiliar with the routes and stops. If I'm totally honest, my first time riding the bus I missed my stop, got off at the next one and then got completely turned around and lost five minutes away from my house! Now when I take the bus, I am confident in reading the route and understanding where I need to get off.