Hello, and bienvenidos (welcome) to my journey! My name is William Thomason, but I go by Will. I grew up in North Carolina, but after I attended college, I lived in New York for ten years! The first time I traveled to another country was during my first year of college. Since then, I traveled to many different countries! I like to visit other places in the world and learn different languages, eat delicious food, hike mountains, swim in vast oceans, and explore other cultures.
I am currently living in a city called Pasto in Colombia. Colombia is in South America, which is south of the United States. I received a fellowship from the Fulbright U.S Student Program to live here until June 2023. Some of my hobbies are running, dancing, swimming, riding my bicycle, and doing crossword puzzles. I also really like to play games with my friends. Thankfully, I have already been able to do all of these things here in Pasto. I can't wait to show you all the cool things I am doing here!