Hi, everyone! It's Yanick here. All over the world, there are teachers, and I am a teacher who travels all over the world. Connecting with schools in different countries takes a lot of work. However, over time, I was able to teach in 10 countries! Many people want to learn English, and that is my current work. The English language is important in technology. Social media can be in any language, but correspondence with new people is easiest if you can use English.
Soon, I will be in Mauritania to teach English, mainly at the University of Nouakchott, in the capital city of Mauritania, Nouakchott. The official name of the country is the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
I am an English Teaching Fellow for the State Department in Mauritania. The embassy made the arrangements for my trip, and it's where I occasionally participate in my fellowship. The embassy contains beautiful decorations. My favorite is the statue of a camel looking into the eye of a needle. It is a reminder of the same story from the Koran and the Bible, meaning it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone to go to heaven. As you guessed already, the official religion in Mauritania is Islam, and the Qur'an, also known as Koran, is the holy book of Islam. I look forward to telling you more about Mauritania!
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