Now that it's February, the galette des rois or "King cake" is officially finished with. It's time to bring on the crêpes! Although crêpes are often eaten all year round in France, it's traditional to begin eating crêpes in February. Crêpes are thin pancakes. You can put any toppings you desire on to a crêpe--usually strawberries are a go-to topping, as is nutella.
During my time here, I've picked up on various eating traditions. In France, it's tradition to begin eâting crêpes on February 2nd to celebrate La Chandeleur. Another tradtion is the flipping of the first crêpe. It's tradition to flip the crêpe in a pan with your right hand while holding a gold coin in your left hand. If you are successful with the flip, it is said to bring luck and prosperity to you and your family.