Hi, explorers! As the school year comes to an end in America, elementary school students here in Taiwan still have over a month of school left. That may seem like a long time, but it also means I only have about a month left of living here!
In about 50 days, I will return to the U.S. with lifelong friends, new experiences, and memories that will last a lifetime. I have had a blast getting to explore Taiwan and all of the amazing people, food, culture, and natural beauty it has to offer. It's going to be hard to leave the place I've called home for the last year, but I won't be saying goodbye! In Chinese, the word for goodbye is 再見 (zàijiàn), which literally means "see you again." So instead, I'll be saying "see you later" to the people and places I've come to love here.
Going home, I have a lot to be thankful for, including meeting all of you! I've had so much fun getting to chat with you and share my experience living abroad in Taiwan. I want to thank you for following along on all my adventures! I'm also saying 再見 (zàijiàn) to you all, but I hope to see you again someday- maybe as fellow marine biology researchers, famous basketball players, or world travelers. Wherever life takes you, stay curious and keep exploring!