In addition to the typical school subjects like English, math and science, Cam and Zinn take Bothmer gymnastics, main lesson, computer coding, woodworking and craft. Zinn explained that in Bothmer gymnastics they do different types of balancing and throwing patterns using wooden poles called staves. Cam said that the main lesson is where they focus on a certain subject like ancient Greece and write down what they learn in books. Some years they complete special activities, like competing in the Greek Olympics in year five against other Steiner schools and learning to twirl fire for the Winter Festival in year six. Given their energetic and social spirits, both Cam and Zinn's favorite subject is sport where they play the classics like basketball and soccer, alongside some traditional indigenous games.
Cam's fifth-grade homework includes practicing his weekly words by writing them down and occasionally doing some online research on topics covered in his classes. Zinn said that since he is in seventh grade this year, his first year of high school, the amount of homework he is assigned has drastically increased. He has multiple assessments to complete at home each week, in addition to 30 minutes of German, and another 30 minutes of his other subjects using an online website.
After school, you can find the boys on their bikes, either riding around with friends in the ecovillage or on mountain biking trails nearby. Zinn's favorite local trail is called "Flow".