Have you ever wondered what life is like for kids living in Australia? Luckily for me, I got to meet some of the most adventurous kids in Australia through a connection with our family friends back in VT, and today I'm taking you along for an exclusive interview with them. Cam and Zinn are fifth and seventh graders growing up an hour north of Sydney in an "ecovillage". They attend a Steiner school and are avid mountain bikers. The brothers are dual citizens of Australia and the United States because their mum was born in Australia and their dad was born in the U.S. Since they have spent time living and exploring both Australia and the U.S.A., today they will share their unique perspectives on what it's like to grow up in Australia!
For breakfast, the boys usually enjoy bacon and eggs and occasionally throw granola and porridge into the rotation. For lunch, they eat sandwiches if they're at school and toasties (Aussie lingo for grilled cheese) on the weekends. Cam said that for dinner they eat meat and lots of vegetables (maybe more than he would prefer), and Zinn said they eat a variety of things like stir-fry, curry, sausages and steak.