Las Tradiciones Argentinas (Argentine Traditions)

Mate made with cold water (or even juice) is called terere

Why does the community have this tradition?:

Yerba mate provides a means of connecting with others. Typically it is shared between friends, and is even a way of making new ones! The traditional way of drinking mate includes sharing with those around you, not holding the cup captive for too much time (it can be irritating for those around you because mate is meant to be shared), and not cleaning the straw before taking a sip (this can be offensive). 

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

Yerba mate is grown in Argentina, where the soil, temperature and humidity is perfect for cultivating this tea. This tea was originally enjoyed by the Guaraní people who lived in Paraguay, the south of Brazil, parts of Uruguay and Bolivia, and the north of Argentina, where mate is found. Afterwards, the Spanish colonizers observed this tea drinking custom and starting using mate for the energy it provided. Now it is one of the most popular beverages in Argentina and a traditional staple to its people.

Córdoba Argentina
Location Data:
POINT (-63.616672 -38.416097)
