Just the Beginning! (Welcome to Yeosu)

Scholarships and Life-Changing Opportunities:

One of the most significant factors that have shaped my study abroad in Korea is the scholarships that have supported me throughout. I have been fortunate enough to win four different scholarships to study in Korea, and they have enabled me to access numerous opportunities. The Gilman Scholarship, in particular, has played a crucial role in opening doors for me. For example, I was recently able to present at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, which was an eye-opening experience. It helped me realize the intricacies of the diplomatic relationship between the U.S. and Korea, and it allowed me to refine my academic and professional aspirations. Additionally, the scholarship allowed me to partner with a Korean language buddy, which significantly improved my linguistic skills and cultural immersion. These opportunities not only helped me overcome the financial obstacles of studying abroad but also enabled me to form new relationships and perspectives that enriched my educational journey in ways I could never have imagined.

Let's Have Fun getting to know each other this semester:

Over this semester, I encourage each of you to explore the myriad ways you might engage with the world. Scholarships, like those I've been fortunate to receive, are just one avenue; they've opened doors for me, and can do the same for you. Whether through arts, sciences, or new languages, your pursuit of education can take you across the globe. As we embark on this journey together, I hope this journal not only introduces you to my world but also guides you toward the endless possibilities that await!
