She has made me feel so at home in our school, welcoming me every morning, making sure I have a ride home when possible, feeding me all the delicious varieties of food in the teacher’s room and making sure I feel comfortable.
I will also deeply miss my host family. I truly look at them as my family away from home. My host mom, Orit, takes care of us when we are sick and always asks for pictures when we are away. I borrow her clothing and always end up with a full stomach and leftovers. My time with this family has made Israel a home, not a temporary place where I have situated myself for the year.
I will miss meeting people on the streets and having them treat me as family. When you step back to think about that, we should all treat each other in this way. We are all people trying to live our best lives on Eart, and wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all support each other in this mission?
Living in an exotic place far away from home is not always the dream most people imagine it to be. It is tough to miss your friends and family and hear stories of their lives happening while you are absent. That said, being so far from them has made me feel even closer in my relationships. My wonderful friends back home make me feel loved and special, through handwritten notes, calls, snapchats and sometimes even traveling to see me.
My advice to you is this: make opportunities for yourself to see the world, and experience life outside of your norms. I love my life in New Jersey. I have a warm family, outstanding friends, a cute dog, and a beautiful home.