Transportation is important in any city and finding the quickest and cheapest ways to get around is a must! There are many different modes of transportation in Grenoble: cars, buses, bikes, taxis and trams. While there are several different options for navigating the city, the trams are the most widely used. Similar to the metro or subway systems found in New York City or Paris, trams are public vehicles that operate above ground on tracks that run throughout the city.
The tram network in Grenoble is called TAG which stands for Transports de l’agglomération grenobloise, and has five routes or lines (A, B, C, D, and E) that each go to different parts of the city. Learning how to take the tram is pretty easy and can be broken down into 3 steps. First, you need to purchase a ticket, which can be found at any of the tram stops or stores around the city. I buy a monthly tram pass at the university for 15 euros (about $16.84) a month for an unlimited number of rides. Next, you pick where you want to go. I use the tram to get to school and into the city for restaurants or grocery shopping. Find the stop that is closest to the where you want to go to determine which tram to get on. Finally, wait for the next tram and hop on.