My name is Alyssa Loyless and I’m a space archaeologist. Yes, you read that correctly--a space archaeologist! Perhaps you're wondering, what does that mean? No, I do not travel to other planets to dig up ancient aliens. Maybe I will do that someday. What I actually do is use space-based data to study the ancient cultures of our world! This space-based data comes in many different forms, but it mostly involves satellite imagery. I use these pictures of our planet to map archaeological features on the landscape--things that were constructed by people thousands of years ago that are still visible from the sky today, like temple walls and massive canals.
When I find something interesting in these photos, sometimes I get to travel to that place in the world and see it in real life. That’s what I’m doing this year. I'm currently living in Cambodia to research the archaeology that I’ve spent the last year mapping on satellite imagery. This involves a lot of amazing experiences, such as traveling through the Cambodian forests to record and make 3D models of temples and artifacts, as well as interacting with the amazing culture and people who live there today. Along the way, I hope to inspire people to learn more about not only their own heritage but also the heritage of all of the amazing cultures that humanity has experienced. After all, none of us would be here if it wasn’t for them!
I'm so excited for you to join me on this expedition to Cambodia! Let's go!