Learners like You Across the Ocean Blue!


This week, I had the opportunity to chat with Victoria! She is ten years old and lives here in Madrid. She goes to a bilingual school where she is taught in Spanish and English at the same time! Victoria is interested in art, music, sports and anime. She is also the niece of a very kind professor, and both of them were very excited to get involved and help me. 

Our conversation was in Spanish, but I translated it into English for this field note.

What is your full name?:

“My name is Victoria Olivares.”

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

“I live in a spacious apartment in Madrid with white walls, an attic and a big kitchen that looks like a store! Our neighborhood is filled with Asian stores and restaurants. The neighborhood also has a big square, or plaza. I like my street because there don’t tend to be a lot of cars.”

What is your family like?:

“My parents are separated, but they get along very well. I don’t have any siblings, but I live in my apartment with my mom, my aunt and my cousin. My cousin is one year older (11) than I am (ten) and right now we get along."

How do you get around?:

“I walk for a bit (about twenty minutes) to the bus stop to get to school before class starts at 9:00 a.m.
