A Journey to the Island of Pag


Here you can see the mainland in the background; this picture is taken from Pag and in the foreground, you can see one of the small towns on the island
Locals doing a folk dance while wearing traditional costumes
Pag is famous for its sheep cheese, and there are many sheep, goats and lambs on the island
More sheep!
Pag is home to a very old olive tree; it's over 2,000 years old and is still alive!
Here's the ancient olive tree. If you look closely, you'll notice the leaves at the bottom look like they’ve been cut straight, but that’s just from the sheep grazing on the olive tree’s leaves as far as they can reach
The island of Pag is filled with olive trees and groves
This is an old fashioned olive press. This is how olive oil used to be made; olive oil was produced here while Pag was still part of the Roman Republic. Of course, today, big machines that run on electricity are used to press the olives and make olive oil

