Español: "Matematicas, Ingles, Español, Estudios Sociales, Ciencias. Mis favoritas son ingles y matematicas."
English: Math, English, Spanish, Social Studies, Sience. My favorites are English and Math.
Español: "Casi no hay tareas. Son facilies cuando hay. Matematicas tenemos que sumar y restar. Español tenemos que leer. Para ciencias y sociales hay pruebas."
English: There almost isn't any homework. It is easy when we have it. For math, we have to add and subtract. For Spanish, we have to read. For science and social studies, there are quizzes.
Español: "Hacer las tareas, andar en bici, y jugar bola con mis amigos."
English: Do homework, ride my bike around and play ball with my friends.
"Crisitiano Ronaldo."
Español: "Musica mexicana, como Tornillo y Santa Fe Clan."
English: Mexican music, like "Tornillo" and "Santa Fe Clan".
Español: "Ciclista profesional."
English: A professional cyclist.