Día de independencia

Costa Ricans make their own faroles, or lanterns and then carry their lanterns in the parade around their town. 
  • Traditional Music and Dance: Many baile tipico groups, or traditional dance groups, will perform for their respective towns. The dancers wear traditional red, white, and blue clothing while dancing. 
  • Why does the community have this tradition?:

    Costa Rica has this tradition to celebrate it's independence from Spain! It's also a special day to spend and celebrate with friends and family. 

    Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

    Día de Independencia isn't directly related to the environment, but since Costa Ricans care a lot about conservation of the environment, Día de Independencia is a good reminder to Costa Ricans of their values, such as caring for nature.

    Location Data:
    POINT (-83.753428 9.748917)
