Tartu, Estonia sits at coordinates 58.3780° N, 26.7290° E, making it one of the most northerly cities in Europe! It is cold and snowing here all fall and winter, making for pretty holidays!

Join me on my journey to Tartu, Estonia, a small university town where I conduct research and explore Estonian culture, from folk songs to kama to wooden saunas to potato salad!
Tartu, Estonia sits at coordinates 58.3780° N, 26.7290° E, making it one of the most northerly cities in Europe! It is cold and snowing here all fall and winter, making for pretty holidays!
Four months down and only five left! My time in Estonia has flown by way too quickly.
From buses to skiing to ferries, Estonians rely on diverse methods of transportation to get where they need to go. Estonians love to travel and to enjoy the outdoors, whether rain, snow or shine.
This weekend, I joined a team of three Americans to compete in the Estonian Sauna Marathon, a five-hour race around rural Estonia to visit local saunas. We raced through a snowstorm in bathing suits!