It seems like it was just yesterday that I boarded my plane to Ireland and watched the sun rise over an entirely new world. I was so nervous that I could barely sleep during the trip. Constant worriese plagued me. What if I didn't make new friends? What if I didn't fit into my new town? What if I became to homesick to enjoy my time? Today as I write this, I am surrounded by new best friends and have had made memories with them that will last a life time. I wish my time abroad could have lasted longer!
Studying abroad has met and surpassed all of my expectations. I have been able to travel throughout the entire country, take classes in a foreign place, and intimately get to know the Irish people and culture. This journey, quite honestly, is one I never thought I would be brave enough to take. But now that I have traveled independently, I have so much more confidence in my abilities and problem-solving skills. Additionally, I have a new-found appreciation for this great, big, beautiful world.
It is bittersweet to leave behind my new home. I am beyond excited to see my friends, family and pets in Nashville, but am going to miss the people and memories I have made here. However, I am now more motivated than ever to explore my own city and state.