Daily Life in a STEM Professional's Life

What do you do for work?:

“Teach and do research. I teach bachelor’s level on airport, navigation and transport, and graduate level too.”

Is there anything else you would like to say to students in the United States?:

“If they have the chance to come to Spain or to come to any other country in a short-term stage, like sometimes two months or three months, I think it’s a nice experience. If they don’t have the chance, then they can do it through high school or through the university. It would be one of the most exciting experiences in their lives. At least at the university level, to do an exchange is really enriching. I think exposing oneself to other environments, other cultures, other languages, other people, to other ways of living is always very good to understand oneself and the world one lives in. It’s one of the most important activities one can do.”
