I have dreamed for years about living in Costa Rica, up in the mountains with frogs and waterfalls and beautiful beaches, speaking Spanish and stepping out of my comfort zone. Now, it’s crazy to think that I have just two weeks left on this adventure. I am happy that I got to share it all with you! I’m honestly very proud of myself for all that I’ve learned and the challenges I’ve faced.
I’ve learned how to say “yes” to things I thought were scary. I’ve ziplined through a cloud forest a mile above the ground, traveled through a bat cave, swam with microorganisms that light up like pixie dust under the stars, went surfing on a white-sand beach, and learned how to dance salsa with my professors. I have seen pit vipers up-close, held glass frogs and visited baby sloths. I have eaten weird new fruits, spicy chili peppers and Caribbean cuisine. I’ve talked to strangers and learned what it’s truly like to be Costa Rican. I’ve adapted to the local slang and even picked up a Costa Rican accent!
However, some of my most fun and most challenging experiences here have been things I never expected to happen. There have been times where I just wanted to go home, and times where I never ever wanted to leave.