Others are based on true stories that tell powerful messages through the use of music. There are plays that have a lot of people in them, with a lot of action, and there are also plays that have small casts and no action at all. It is interesting how different types of shows speak to people differently. It has been fun to see a wide variety of performances and ask questions to find out what I liked and what I didn't like. It has allowed me to discover the ways that I like to engage and communicate, both as an artist and a person.
As I return back to my university in North Carolina, I want to continue to apply what I have learned through my study abroad experience to my studies. My experience will definitely impact the type of work that I create as a theatre and cinema major. I am now aware of bigger issues outside of my community and have learned how to better connect with those immediately around me as well. I also now have a better understanding of how different artistic choices can have an effect on audiences. I want to continue exploring that so I can be an artist who creates work that inspires others and promotes positive change in my community.
I hope that this virtual exchange has taught you about London, the excitement of travel, and how you can recognize and appreciate other cultures when you experience them. The world is a big, beautiful place, and there are so many incredible people and places to discover. Thank you again for going on this journey with me. Now it's time to start planning your own!