Meet the ARCSPIN Expedition Team!

We think these special, cloud-seeding aerosols from permafrost are from things like bacteria or decayed plants, but that is what we are here to find out. We also are testing our hypothesis that these specks are released into the hundreds of lakes and rivers in Northern Alaska, some of which flow into the Arctic Ocean. During the strong winds that often happen up here, these specks can become airborne where they could form clouds.

To test our hypothesis, we are going to be collecting hundreds of samples of permafrost, lake water, sediment from the bottom of lakes, water from estuaries, ocean water, and aerosols. We’ll be taking these samples back to our laboratory at Colorado State to see how many and what types of aerosols are there and if they are from permafrost. We will also test these samples to see if they have the seeds that form clouds. Once we have our results, we will be working with climate modelers to use our findings to improve how their models mimic cloud formation and, of course, weather and climate in the Arctic and beyond.

So far, we have been up in Alaska for about a week in quarantine due to COVID-19 regulations. We are staying right on the beach of the Arctic Ocean and are allowed to go for walks along the coast. It has been cold, snowy, and windy, but then we have some days where it is sunny and calm. I am excited to start our expedition later this week. Stay tuned for more articles and video calls on how things are going for us!
