Goodbye Argentina: Looking Back on My Journey and What Comes Next

I was completely BLOWN AWAY by how beautiful the southern region of Latin America truly is. I never thought of myself as a spontaneous person, but having a friend like Edgar (featured many times in my articles) always keeps things interesting and brings amazing experiences your way. My favorite part about traveling is the people I meet, but I never thought I would make these close relationships the way I have with my friends Liz and Edgar. So this is my little spot to tell them: thank you for being a highlight of my college experience so far. 

I hope you enjoyed reading the articles I have written for you guys. I truly did my best and had so much fun sharing my journey with you guys. And I want to thank you guys for being so interested in hearing about my life (even if you were reading for class) and my story. You guys are also going down as a highlight in my college experience, and know that I will not forget you (shout out to Jackson and the girl who talked about Studio Ghibli!) These articles have become my little diary of my time here in Buenos Aires, and I thank you guys for engaging with them. 

A final thank you to Reach the World for allowing hundreds of travelers, just like me, the opportunity to share our journeys with K-12 classrooms, just like yourselves, all across the U.S. A thank you to my editorial team, Amanda (my editor making sure this is legible), and Jess (our Program Manager facilitating our exchange). Thanks to them, I was able to be matched with you guys and make sure things are running on time. 

Finally, a thank you to Mr. Chvala. for his hard work, meeting with me, our email correspondence and working out the times for our video calls.
