From Asia to America and Back Again

I learned a lot about turtles, though, and I also learned a lot about what I am capable of. I learned that I can be brave, visit new places and learn about other cultures, even if they are unfamiliar and seem scary at first. Going to Costa Rica by myself gave me the courage to go on other trips and try new things.

After graduating from high school, I took a gap year and studied computer repair. I also took flying lessons and about two months into my training, my flight instructor got out of the plane, and I took off and flew the plane all by myself! It felt so amazing! I then went on to study health and lifestyle programs in northern California so that I could put on health events for my community and help people around me. Having completed the four-month rigorous training, I went back home and started college.

I am currently studying computer science at California State University, Northridge and am on exchange to Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. Here at Waseda, I am studying Japanese language and culture. I studied Japanese for a year before coming here and I visited Japan one time before applying for the study abroad program. Nonetheless, coming here was really scary, especially because I don’t know anyone here in Japan and have no family close by. However, I am very glad I came. I’ve learned so much and tried so many new things!

In my free time, I like to write poetry and short stories. I also like to read, sing, swim, and do outdoor activities like hiking and camping. Something I’ve started learning about is cha-no-yu, or the Japanese tea ceremony. I really enjoy getting to learn more about Japanese culture, tea and food during every lesson.

My story started in Asia, then moved halfway across the world to America.
