Traveler Bio

Bienvenidos! My name is Beatrice McDermott, but I usually go by Beatriz. I'm 23 years old and from Bethesda, Maryland, and I recently graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in English Writing and Sustainability.

When I first heard about the Peace Corps at a middle school career fair, I knew it was what I wanted to do when I grew up. I applied in my senior year of college and began my service in the D.R. in March 2023. The Peace Corps is a two-year commitment, so I'll be working as an Education volunteer until May 2025. My job as a Spanish Literacy Promoter is to assist in a rural elementary/middle school and help students learn how to read and write in Spanish.

I live in a province in the middle of the country in a pueblo (village) of about 1,000 people. In my town, the main industries are farming and dairy, and it's not unusual to see people riding their horses up and down the calle principal (main street) or leading around a herd of goats. My life here is a lot different than my life in the USA, and every day is a new experience. I eat lots of viveres (root vegetables like yuca, batata, and taro), and my favorite food is definitely tostones or fried plantains. I'm fortunate to be surrounded by mango, guava, avocado, tamarind, zapote, and lemon trees, so fresh fruit is always available. Juice is a popular drink here, especially on hot summer days! My hobbies in the campo (countryside) include running, reading, and playing volleyball with the community team. When I'm not working, I like to travel and explore the country with my friends. I'm so excited to share my service and everything I've learned in the DR with you! Dale (Let's go)!