The main language is Estonian. Estonian is a Urali finnich langauge meaning that it is similar to Finnish. The second main language is Russian. Russian is a slavic language meaning that it is similar to Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, and Bulgarian. The third language is English! English is a West Germanic language meaning that it is similar to Dutch and German.
Estonia is a part of the European Union so they use the Euro (€), and 1€ is the same as $1.07 in the U.S. Before the Euro, Estonia used the Kroon. The switched to the Euro in 2011. One US dollar was equal to 14.35 Estonian Kroons.
My favorite grocery store in Tallinn is Rimi. At Rimi, a bottle of water is 0.28 € ($0.30)! We also pay 0.10 € ($0.11) on every plastic bottle.
The best meal I had this week was Pelmeni. Pelmeni is a Russian dumpling. My dumpling had potato and cheese inside of it. Traditionally, it is eaten with sour cream, although I do not like sour cream. It was so good that I forgot to take a picture of it!