I can’t believe our time together is coming to an end already! I really hope that you enjoyed following me on my journey to South Korea. It has been one of the best experiences of my life! I’m so thankful that I pursued this opportunity and was able to meet all of the wonderful people in South Korea--and you all, of course! This was my first time ever going outside the United States, and I don’t regret a moment of it. It was difficult to adapt at times, but more often than that I was having so much fun. And now I have friends all over the US and the world that I share these memories with.
Studying abroad is so much more than just taking classes in another country. You get to meet people from all around the world that have come to take the same journey as you. You create lifelong friendships with people you would have never met at home. And most importantly, you get to experience a culture that can be wildly different from yours. However, as you get to know your host country, you learn all the similarities that connect us.
I genuinely hope that someday each and every one of you can study abroad at some point in your life, no matter what country you choose.