July 31, 2019 will mark the 80th day I have been in Vietnam. Over the last two months, I have experienced a whirlwind of emotions and events that have shaped my view of the world around me.
This opportunity has been a journey I am truly grateful for. For years, the privilege to travel has often been out of reach for me. The dream I had of exploring and giving back to the world that raised me seemed impossible until I started carving my path to make it a reality.
When I arrived on that warm spring day in May, I did not expect to have the feelings, memories and mindset I do now. I never expected to have photos taken of me from every possible angle or have laughter follow me through public spaces. But, I also did not expect to see lush rolling hills along carved mountain peaks dotted with water buffalo and cows or to be greeted with smiles and waves by strangers. I did not expect to explore caves, to trek a mountain or to ride through cities on the back of a motorbike. With all the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture and country, there are many moments that make everything worth it.
I have nothing but love and admiration for Vietnam after my travels here.