This week, I traveled all the way from the coast (Guayaquil) to the Andes mountains (Quilotoa)!
So far I have traveled to mangroves, beaches, and cities, but this week was my first time journeying into the mountains.
I took quite a few different modes of transportation to get to Quilotoa, especailly since I stopped in Quito for a day to go to the Fulbright event. Here is a summary of the journey:
Taxi from my house to the airport in Guayaquil --> plane to Quito --> taxi from the airport to where I stayed for the night --> another taxi to the Fulbright Thanksgiving event --> yet again, a taxi to the bus terminal in Southern Quito --> a bus to a town called Latacunga --> another bus to Quilotoa --> short walk to the hostel!
I am happy to be back in Guayaquil but eager to return to the mountains for more hiking!