Hola! Hello! My name is Caroline Gardner and I am 22 years old. I am from Lancaster, Pennsylvania and I went to college at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. I studied to be an elementary school teacher and taught a second grade class. I have three younger sisters and two little dogs. I like to go hiking, play tennis and take photos of my travels. I love to explore new places and have been to every continent except Antarctica.
After graduating college, I received a Fulbright grant to work as an English Teaching Assistant in Spain. I live in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which is a part of the Canary Islands. The Canary Islands are part of Spain, but are in the ocean close to Africa. They still speak Spanish here, but their food and traditions are a little different than other parts of Spain. I work at a school with children ages 3-12, teaching English lessons. I know Spanish, but I only speak English to the students so they can practice. I am really happy and love being on an island where I can go hiking on an active volcano and see the ocean from my window. I cannot wait to tell you all about my life in Spain!